Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Transgender Erotica and Why The Ball Bounces That Way

So yeah in my younger days(read: also now) I was a bit of a fan (a lot of a fan) of transgender erotica(porn). In particular, or specifically, short stories. I've always found words a lot more stimulating than videos and pictures.

At any rate. The site I often went to for a sure-fire score was: Fictionmania. And I'm coming to why this is important. But yeah anyways, that's where I went. It's this huge database of all kinds of stories of transformation. Magical, hormonal, young, old, age progression, age regression, aliens, pop culture references--it's user generated content, and the users have been working very hard on that site for a loonnnnng time.

So I was thinking about the types of stories that are on there. Sure the details are varied quite radically. But when you get right down to it. 80 percent of the stories that are there, i.e. the vast majority of them--are camped in shame, guilt, repression, and humiliation. And sure it's certainly true many of our wildest fantasies come from the darkest places of our minds. But surely not ALL of them. In these stories many of the times, the narrator(it's usually a first person narrative) is forced into some kind of change by the world or people around them, or through some sort of mistake on their own. There's so much guilt, humiliation, and submission in these stories that when you really step back and feel the magnititude of how many of these narratives are coming out of and into the transgender community on a daily basis--it's staggering.

And so often our cultures are based upon the stories we tell ourselves and about ourselves. I think 60 years of being relegated to Jerry Springer has taken it's toll on the collective unconscious of the transgender community. The paranoia and pain of many of these people is tremendous.

And the best we can do is commit them to murder, and marginalization,

"And what's this sympathy, constant sympathy for sexually confused people? Why should we have constant sympathy for people who are freaks in every society?" adding, "But you know what? You're never gonna make me respect the freak. I don't want to respect the freak." Savage concluded: "The freak ought to be glad that they're allowed to walk around without begging for something. You know, I'm sick and tired of the whole country begging, bending over backwards for the junkie, the freak, the pervert, the illegal immigrant. All of them are better than everybody else. Sick. Everything is upside down."

In other news today, I was trying to research some of the rubber atrocities committed in and around Peru around the turn of the century as I had been reminded about them from Terence Mckenna's wonderful True Hallucinations audio recording. Which I came across thanks to Warren Ellis's WhiteChapel message board.

Anyways, wikipedia gave me a blank. That section of Peruvian History, and British Empire History is basically blank in both sections. Not sure why. But it is. So I had to go through some old New York Times articles and get what I wanted that way. The internet bends to my will! Yaaar!

So to give you some context. This was around 1911-17. It was in and around the Putumayo areas of Columbia and Peru. The British Banks were in there harvesting rubber for the coming world war. And as you might imagine, didn't exactly rate the Indigenous peoples there much higher than Michael Savage rates transgender people. I thought this would be a stark reminder of how something as stupid as rubber is bathed literally in human flesh(of course without even getting into King Leopald).

"In the last twelve years 4,000 tons of rubber have come to England from Putumayo. He calculates that the price fo the total is 30,000 Indans killed by starvation, beheading, bullet, and burning, accompanied by every variey of atrocious tortures. Taking ten stone as the average weight of an Indian, close upon a thousand tons of Indians were slaughtered to ame four thousand tons of rubber. I leave it to the holders of rubber shares to work out how much per pound this comes to for human flesh at the current price of rubber."

Challenges Our Humanity

Rubber Atrocities Spared No Victim

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