Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Now If Only Obama Could Get Pregnant

So there's a bit of a kerbabble about James Carville calling Bill Richardson a Judas.
The national level of uproar over this comment has been astounding to me. Or I guess the media driven uproar. I didn't know people still got mad over being called a Judas.

Hunter S. Thompson once called Ralph Nader "a worthless Judas Goat with no moral compass".
And amazingly the world didn't end because of it.

People want to say this democratic race has gotten nasty. It hasn't gotten nasty, it's gotten overly sensitive. Obama supporters are the worst in this regard. Because so many of them are so full of wide eyed idealism and hope, that any aspersion cast towards that is met with a weird kind of dull-eyed frothing at the mouth. 20 years ago their headquarters would have been raided by FBI tanks. Their stone refusal to believe that Obama is a politician just like anyone else, or that this is politics as usual just like anything else, is a scary thing to build a base on. If this group of people ever wake up to anything like a splash of reality the backlash could be ugly.

That said. I support Obama full heartedly. Always have. Always will. He's surely a God amongst men. I would never EVER even EVER consider not voting for him. Especially for that no good snake woman Hilary Clinton. No sirree. Not me. Kodos in 2008!


In other news. The other big thing yesterday was the story of a man who had become pregnant. I personally love this story. The gist of the story is that his wife was unable to conceive, but he could. To do this he had to really put at risk how society would perceive his gender identification. Which was obviously a huge huge deal for him. He had gone through many surgeries and dangerous hormone treatments to get where he was. And he'd have to risk all of that for he and his wife to have the kid they wanted.

They say that romance is dead. But this is probably one of the most romantic things I've ever heard. And I wonder how many men given the opportunity in a similar situation would do the same? I think more than society, in it's rigid view of gender, would like to think. For him to willingly sacrafice his basic being for the sake of he and his wife--is beautiful. And that she can still love him when he's pregnant only sweetens the cake. I want this made into a lifetime movie YESTERDAY.


Zagadka said...

Wow. He is glowing. He's got the J-Lo glow.

andy bandini said...

is he pregnant, or is he just getting fat from nachos?

good to see you blogging again!

Mercurialblonde said...

It's good to be blogging again! I was going to add Haunted Minnesota as a blog link, but it was dead :(
Which left me haunted.
And alone.

Also if I ever got pregenant I would want my child to look like a sombrero made of onions with cheese dip in the middle. And I want the hospital staff to sing happy birthday to me while it happens.

I say this because if I mention TGI Fridays in a blog post, I get five extra hits. Mmmmm. Fridays. Friday's.

Zagadka said...

up until a few days ago i thought this was fake.

that's nuts. more men need to have babies NOW so i don't have to.

i'd like my vagina and boobs intact for as long as possible before gravity sets in.
