Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rune of the Week: Raido

This week's rune is Raido. It stands for journey or travel. Which can be physical, spirtual, or anything. The poems are:

The Old Norse Rune Poem
Riding is said to be the worst thing for horses;
Reginn forged the finest sword.

The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem
Riding seems easy to every warrior while he is indoors
and very courageous to him who traverses the high-roads
on the back of a stout horse.

The Icelandic Rune Poem
Joy of the horsemen
and speedy journey
and toil of the steed.

One of the more interesting points teased out over at Barbelith is that while on the one hand it is about riding, and a journey, it is also important to note the aspect of being a rider, which is to say when one rides a horse, they journey, but they are in control of the journey. And so while this rune is transitory in nature, it is controlled transition. Which is somewhat different from some of the other runes we've had so far

Though conversely, this rune can also be about being ridden if you take it in another way. If you are not the horsemen, you are the horse--meaning if you aren't the author of your own journey, you'll probably end up under the rails. And while there is a joy in this rune, in the riding, or the control of the journey, there is a misery here too in the aspect of being controlled through a journey. So as with other runes, like Thurisaz, there is a dual nature here in terms of outcomes, with both a joy and a misery. And in both instances victimhood seems to be punished, while heroism rewarded.

So don't get taken for a ride this week. Instead take the opportunity to go somewhere of your own making.

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